What to expect from Metamorphosis Treatments

Treatments are non-verbal and deeply relaxing. Using gentle touch, we work on the spinal reflex points on the bony structure of the feet, hands, head, and directly on the spine.
The intent of Metamorphosis is to address the underlying tension that infused in the spine from the moment of conception and how it influenced you during all stages of gestation. This tension continues to influence your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. This approach has a far reaching intent, going back to the beginning of the ‘chaos’ that started the discomforts we all collectively experience. This chaos is an underlying influence, and as it eases, you function with greater ease.
In doing so deep tension eases. Working on the hands helps you cope with life better. Working on the head eases mental tension. Metamorphosis treatments are very effective by distance. We arrange a time and you simply relax and receive.
People often share that after receiving a series of treatments they:
- Communicate better
- Create happier homes
- Had relationships improve
- Find it easier to manifest
- Feel greater confidence, peace, & joy
- React less and respond more
- Feel the pain of grief & past traumas ease
- Have physical issues ease or go away
- Stop smoking or drinking
- Left abusive relationships
Metamorphosis treatments are available in Oro Valley, Arizona and by distance. In person treatments payable by check or cash.
$75, $260 4 treatment package, $220 Study Program Student 4 treatment package.
Distance Treatment PAYMENT LINK:
Metamorphosis Treatments Help With:
Relationship Issues and Family Dynamics
The most important relationship you have is with yourself. Working on yourself gives you the benefit of supporting yourself without critical analysis or expectations of how you ‘should’ be.
The degree of tension in a relationship or family is based on the collective degree of tension from each individual. As each person eases their tension, the relationship or household dynamics become healthier and more harmonious. The beauty of Metamorphosis is that it does not label or blame. Removing labels removes unrealistic expectations and takes the pressure off of everyone. Addressing ‘tension’ instead of ‘issues’ is what Metamorphosis is about. We all have this deeper tension and it affects each of us differently. The tension eases without focusing on it, which creates more love and less pressure to change.
A Metamorphosis treatment is an invitation to ease tension. The changes are done from within and are not imposed on another. The lack of labels and analysis make it easier to practice on your loved ones. The understanding that difficult behavior comes from tension means that parents do not need to reward or punish. This understanding alone can profoundly change the home dynamics.
Easing Trauma
Metamorphosis is helpful in easing the deeper tension that is in the way of you healing from trauma. Sexual abuse and all trauma create a separation of self.Metamorphosis eases that deeper tension connected to the trauma, without needing to remember or revisit any aspect of it. It is enough to know that it happened. To try and delve into the details re-traumatizes you.
The self-care treatments and hand symbols help you get through difficult days and flashbacks. They also help you find more stability. (Read more about treatments here)
Addictions can show up in many forms: substance abuse, sex, gambling, control or power issues. Addiction is often connected to trauma.
We view addictions as a coping mechanism instead of an illness. As deeper tension eases, your ability to cope with daily stress increases. As underlying tension eases, the need for a coping mechanism also eases. You will learn to use the self-care practice and hand symbols to help you find more inner peace. With that inner peace you no longer have the desire for destructive behavior.
(Read more about treatments here)
Metamorphosis Treatment Testimonials
After several months of bi-montly treatments I feel more peace inside. I also am finding better solutions to long-term problems. – Barbara Fiori, Tucson
Since Covid I have been receiving distant treatments. I find them helpful to keeping me in check. Cindy has a great ability to tune-into where I need to be worked on. I’ve been practicing Metamorphosis for 10 years. – Carson Lake, Member. A.R.C.B. member since 2010.
I was molested starting at 19 months. I have very large bunions that have affected my feet and balance. When I started treatments they were red and after a few treatments they are smaller and less red. I came in for a treatment feeling frozen. I left feeling like I was thawing. The following treatment I had the beginning of heavy sobbing, that heaving but no tears. I went home and was able to finally cry. I took a long nap after that. I am grateful for this work. – Jan Robbins, Arizona
I’ve had a difficult and contentious relationship with my alcoholic brother for years. I attribute Metamorphosis with releasing the long held tension between my brother and me. It literally happened overnight. I hadn’t changed my behavior or spoken to him about improving our relationship. However, after a short series of sessions, I literally just woke up one day and felt no animosity toward my brother at all. I never imagined that after 30 years of fighting, my brother and I would be laughing together, helping each other out and establishing a healthy relationship. It’s a true metamorphosis! – Mary T., Colorado
I appreciated the session from you. It feels like all the darkness has lifted from those times of my life. – Karol Paul, Colorado
I discovered Metamorphosis as a reflexologist looking for continuing education. Before taking a class, I decided to get a treatment to see Metamorphosis in action for myself. As I live in the north east and Cindy is in Tucson, we do distance treatments. I am here to tell you Meta changed my life, and I am so grateful. I do not wake up dreading the day ahead anymore. I wake up happy and looking forward to what the new day has in store. I even randomly said to myself “this is a great day!”. That has never happened to me before. I no longer have negative thoughts, my mind is very clear. The best part is I do not have to delve into my past and dredge up things that are best left behind. All I have to do is sit back, relax, even take a nap during treatments, and tension is relieved. – Rosie P., Pennsylvania