Metamorphosis Books & DVD’s:
- Intro Booklet
- Metamorphosis DVD’s by download
- “Metamorphosis, Creating Consciousness through Touch” in English, German, & Spanish.
Metamorphosis Booklet, by Cindy Silverlock

The Metamorphosis booklet is a simplified overview of Metamorphosis and is used as the class manual. It is sold with the Intro DVD. Purchase in advance to see if the class is right for you. There is enough information to begin learning Metamorphosis for self-care. $10
Metamorphosis Downloadable DVD’s, by Cindy Silverlock
- 5 DVD Set with booklet $75
- Intro DVD with booklet $30
- Individual DVD $15
- Booklet $15
DVD Topics
#1: Intro to the principles.
#2: Relationships and family dynamics.
#3: Addiction, abuse, and trauma.
#4: Hands-on practice.
#5: Understanding efference.
These DVD’s are by download only. Links will be sent to you by email for you to download onto your computer. You can also view them online if you do not have storage capacity.
Metamorphosis Creating Consciousness through Touch, by Cindy Silverlock
This book is comprehensive. The principles are presented in a way that you can apply them to your daily life. The hands-on approach is discussed at length, is well diagrammed, and includes many frequently asked questions.
Los principios se presentan de una manera que puede aplicarlos a su vida diaria. El enfoque practico se discute largamente, es bien diagramado e incluye muchas preguntas frecuentes.
Dieses Buch ist umfassend. Die Prinzipien werden so dargestellt, dass Sie sie auf Ihr tägliches Leben anwenden können. Der praktische Ansatz wird ausführlich diskutiert, ist gut grafisch dargestellt und enthält viele häufig gestellte Fragen.
I almost cried when I looked inside your book and began reading. I feel so happy that you have portrayed my dad’s work in such a nice way, thank you. – Julietta St. John
Many thanks to Cindy for her magnificent life’s work. It’s great that she has continued with Robert’s work and made a huge effort for understanding Metamorphosis. This book is highly regarded here in Northern Europe. – Anne Kreivi, Finland
REVISED 2021 – Metamorphosis Creating Consciousness through Touch, ISBN# 978-0-9722897-4-0
REVISED 2023 – Metamorfosis, Creando Conciencia con el Tacto ISBN# 978-0-9722897-1-9
Dieses Buch ist umfassend. Die Prinzipien werden so dargestellt, dass Sie sie in Ihrem täglichen Leben anwenden können. Der praktische Ansatz wird ausführlich diskutiert, ist gut grafisch dargestellt und enthält viele häufig gestellte Fragen.
$20 ISBN# 978-0-9722897-5-7
Order here for USA shipping only. Available in paperback and e-book on most country Amazon sites, Barnes & Noble, and more. Search by title or ISBN#.